Available in Light and Power service territory to any residential customer in a single residence for domestic purposes only.
Customer Charge – $13.40 per month All KWH @ 8.0¢
Monthly Minimum Charge- $13.40
Available for year around illumination for area and security lighting by electric lamps in luminaries supported on wood poles, where the facilities for this service are furnished for this service are furnished by the Municipal Utility. (Availability to be determined by Utility.)
Available in Light and Power service territory to any Non-Residential customer for combined lighting, power service, and electric heat supplied through one meter, with maximum demand below 50 KW 8 or more months per year.
Customer Charge – $21.50 per month All KWH @ 9.0¢
Monthly Minimum Charge- $21.50
There shall be added to the net monthly bill $.0001 (one-tenth of one mill) per kilowatt-hour for each whole $.0001 by which the average net cost of fuel, purchased power, and generator maintenance in combination exceeds 53.0 mills per net kilowatt-hour generated and/or purchased.
In the event purchased power is utilized in lieu of self-generation or in combination therewith, the cost of fuel, purchased power, and generating equipment maintenance shall be added together to arrive at total cost of fuel and purchased power in combination each month, and this combined cost shall be then divided by the net kilowatt hours sold. The resultant adjustment, if any, shall be applicable to the current monthly bill.
Available in Light and Power service territory to any customer for general service whose demand exceeds 50 KW in 4 or more months per calendar year.
Customer Charge – $50.00 All KWH – 4.9¢
Demand Charge – $11.40 per KW
Monthly Minimum Charge – $50.00
Available in Light and Power service territory to any customer for general service whose demand exceeds 500 KVA.
Customer Charge – $50.00 All KWH – 4.9¢
Demand Charge – $11.40 per KVA
Customers who are primary metered will receive a 2.0% discount. Primary metered customers that own their own transformers will receive an 6% discount. Policy Demand level of customer will be reviewed at the end of each calendar year to determine the appropriate rate class.
The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole KVA, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand in KVA billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 100 KVA.
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
1st Monday of May – Last Friday of September
Mon – Thur: 7:00 am – 4:30 pm
Friday: 7:00 am – 11:00 am