Timeline and history of the electric plant

In a continued effort to furnish dependable electric service to our growing and thriving community, your Light and Power Commission has and is continually upgrading its generating and distribution system. Scroll down the page to read about our evolution!

January 11, 1938

Plant begins operation

Credit for establishing the Municipal Electric Plant was the City Council, at that time, consisting of W.H. Daniels, Mayor; Max Jumer, President of the Council; George Meyer, Albert Alsleben, John Vorbeck, and Ernest Belliveau, who originally saw fit to establish a power plant. Also receiving credit are F. X. Eickmann, Clerk; Peter Hatz, Treasurer; and W.W. Merrill, Attorney.


Fred H. Bang becomes the first Superintendent.

Fred would serve until his death in 1942.

August 1938

Light and Power Commission is established

Members of the original Light and Power Commission were Max Jumer, President; F.W. Stoeckman, Vice-President; and Alfred Wichelmann, Secretary. The original generating equipment consisted of two engines, one 300 H.P. and one 450 H.P.


900 H.P. engine is added


Alfred Kephart becomes new Superintendent


1370 H.P. unit was added to the plant and the engine room was enlarged.


The smallest engine, or 300 H.P. unit, of the original installation is removed and a 1600 H.P. unit replaced it.


A 1920 H.P. dual fuel unit is installed.

April, 1957

The original office and warehouse facilities are completed


Two H.P. dual fuel units are installed.

The units are installed at two different time that year to meet the ever increasing electrical load of the community. As of today, one of the above units, the 1955 installation, is still in operation. The other units have been removed and larger units installed, along with building additions.


Loren I. Reid becomes new Superintendent

Fall, 1963

New switch gear and interconnection facilities are completed


A 4100 KW dual fuel generating unit is installed


A 5600 KW dual fuel generating unit is installed

August, 1972

Offices are remodeled.

contract was awarded for remodeling of the office area providing offices for the Manager, Office Controller, Line Foreman, and Plant Foreman. A separate Commission meeting room was provided. Central air conditioning and carpeting improved the work additions.


A 7150 KW dual fuel generating unit is installed


Joseph I. Adrian becomes the new Superintendent


A 7060 KW fuel generating unit is installed


Collin D. Engebretson becomes the new Superintendent

1998 & 2007

CAT Engines Installed

With the addition of the two new cat engines, the total generating capacity is now 38,200 KW.

March 15, 2010

David C. Meyer becomes the new Superintendent

Glencoe Light & Power Commission

305 11th Street East 
Glencoe, MN 55336

Contact Us

Business Hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Summer Business Hours:

1st Monday of May – Last Friday of September

Mon – Thur: 7:00 am – 4:30 pm

Friday: 7:00 am – 11:00 am


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